squash game

Add an image to your Forum post or reply

Add an image to your Forum post or reply

Adding images to Forum/Gear Review posts and replies is a very simple process once the images are uploaded

  • You can use images which are already available in the squashgame.info community image folder (click Manage Images on the left menu)
  • Upload your own images using Upload Images  selection in the Member Services Menu (top right)
  • Remember - conditions apply to the uploading of images - read them before uplaoding!
Once the images are loaded you can add the images in the process of creating the post or reply or you can add them later.

To do so in the process of creating a post or reply:
  1. Create the post or reply as usual
  2. When the post is saved, at the bottom of the saved text is a link Add or Manage images ...
  3. Click that link and it takes you to a page where you select, number and add a caption to the image
  4. Ensure you number each image in theorder that you want them to appear - even 1!
  5. The process keeps looping so that with each image added, the form is presented to add another image - Save the record each time
  6. To change a caption, image or number, simply click the listing in blue, this will present the form with the information ready to edit - Update the record
  7. When you have added/edited the desired images click the link Return to ....
  8. You will return to the post  with the images added
To add images to an existing post or reply:
  1. Add or Manage Images wll appear a the top of each of the posts or replies that you have made (you must be logged on)
  2. Click Add or Manage Images  this wll take you to the aforementioned page and follow the same procedure