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diabetic Player - Squash Player Safety Guidelines (25 Oct 16. 07:53)

How to get the training diagrams? - Squash Training Routines (20 Jun 16. 20:32)

Speed v power - Basic Squash Backhand and Squash Forehand Swing (18 Aug 14. 19:42)

Does breaking rackets help? - Pressure within (19 Jan 12. 07:18)

how to cope when it has gone too far - Pressure within (13 Feb 11. 08:34)

Create a routine for psych control - Pressure within (08 Feb 11. 19:38)

anger management - Psychological Tips (08 Feb 11. 08:59)

Legs strong, arms weak - The Basics of Physical Conditioning for Squash players (07 Apr 10. 07:53)

Getting the serve to land onto the side wall - The Squash Serve (07 Apr 10. 07:40)

Volley swing - The Squash Volley Technique (14 Feb 10. 08:24)

Fitness helps keep the game alive - Squash Training On Court (10 Feb 10. 02:22)

Horizontal v Vertical Swing - Basic Squash Backhand and Squash Forehand Swing (23 Jan 10. 07:39)

Eastern or Western Grip - Basic Squash Backhand and Squash Forehand Swing (23 Jan 10. 07:13)

Serve feet positioning - The Squash Serve (28 Sep 09. 06:42)

Tactics for individual opponents - Choosing SquashTactics (15 Sep 09. 07:48)

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 Testimonials has definitely contributed to my game and I hope it will continue to do so, especially with the advent of the Gold service.

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