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Reply to Peter Barker too good for Boswell - 18/06/21

Reply to Adobe Flash Player - 29/04/21
Our webmaster has to make time to convert the videos to another format so they can be played.  Unfortunately he has been very busy with his wo ...

Reply to Technifibre Squash balls - 28/01/21
In Queensland, Australia, Dunlop Pro is the double yellow dot and well respected for its performance and durability.  However, having said tha ...

Reply to Squash vs Racquetball - 19/01/21
Actually I put in a squashgame search with the word "racquetball" and it come up with the various comments regarding the game from some o ...

Reply to It's Duck for Dinner - 26/11/20
 it is over 16 years ago that i was inspired to write this post. when i was advised recently that there had been some unwanted activity attach ...

Reply to Squash after Total Knee Replacement (TKR) - 25/11/20
Personally I would not attempt serious squash after any operation to knees, back or hips because of the twisting, turning and bending.  There ...

Reply to Squash vs Racquetball - 27/09/20
 I researched some blogs about my question and found only this  ...

Reply to Absent during play - 06/04/20
Nice squashgame ...

Reply to Overgrips - 02/01/20
You make some good points bng71542. The length of time a grip will last will depend on a few things, ie how often you play, how much you sw ...

Reply to One Big Thing - 05/12/19
That is the truth.  I have been injured for 8 months and just do not get the same buzz out of life when just mozying about.  Feeling fit, ...

Reply to Front wall targets for shots - 05/12/19
I put in a search (see top left hand corner) re ...

Reply to Advise for a beginner - 05/12/19
Our search feature should be helpful. There ...

Reply to Using Badminton shoes for squash?? - 26/11/19
Indoor court shoes are made for the indoor surfaces. ...

Reply to Waiting for opponent to get ready - 01/08/19
It seems you were looking in the wrong place to find an answer.  "wasting time" is more about this situation i guess.  If you s ...

Reply to Advise for a beginner - 09/12/18
As a new player, any heavy racket would be fine. A heavy head slows down your swing a little so you can work on technique, and more importantly wil ...

Reply to Interference in the corner - 09/12/18
Just let. Based on your diagram, player A should be moving forward/left and to the T as they hit, not backwards.     ...

Reply to Mid shoe recommendations - 24/10/18
If your budget is nearer to 100 or below than that, I got some suggestion for you. Why not opt for the multi-sport shoes, I mean purposely for rela ...

Reply to Shoes with too much grip - 09/10/18
Indoor court shoes are a good choice, eg. as in table tennis or badminton. ...

Reply to Hand Pain - 09/10/18
If you put in a search, notice top left hand corner, it is most likely you will find what others have said about your topics.  ...

Reply to Hand Pain - 01/10/18
Newbie here. I'm not talking about the squash racket, but I want to talk about the badminton racket, I guess maybe it is the same situation. So I m ...

Reply to Advise for a beginner - 01/10/18
I guess I want to ask this question here. I am a really newbie player. So for a newbie player, what is the most important thing? Lighter racket or ...

Reply to Interference in the corner - 15/07/18
Here is the link to some intrepretations for the Interference Rue 12. By the way there ...

Reply to New Black Knight ION racquets - 04/11/17
 I think Dunlop has the best rackets on the market . I can't compare it with Black Ion because I have never chance to try it but If I am happy ...

Reply to Playing shots with an open stance - 12/09/17
Coaches do not always agree, and often professionals do not agree.  Fair enough, so long as a good result is being obtained and progress is ...

Reply to Playing shots with an open stance - 22/10/16
hi philslow being over 60 i think i can offer some perspective on this. in the old days we were coached with a very closed stance w ...

Reply to Rules question - 20/08/16
1. whether there is a let or stroke (or no let) awarded in any situation depends on a number of things: level of interfe ...

Reply to Doubles squash what do people think ? - 04/08/16
Wow just looking at this thread, it is ten years old.  Squash doubles will become more popular over time i believe.  When the old centres ...

Reply to How to force myself to correct my grip? - 04/08/16
Well, once again use the squashgame search feature on the top lefthand corner. If you find a problem with the website tools let us know as changes ...

Reply to String Tension - 04/08/16
We do have an extensive search feature (it would be even better if i put in the key words, oops) and here is the ...

Reply to String Tension - 29/07/16
 48 lbs is way too high, I think your app is incorrect. 25 lbs is a fine tension for most any string. ...

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