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Technifibre Squash balls

Published: 27 Jan 2021 - 01:38 by gregorpi

Updated: 28 Jun 2021 - 16:19

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 Has anybody had a chance to playtest these balls? How do they compare to Dunlop and Victor squash balls? Durability? Talking about DYD of course. The price is attractive :-)

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From rippa rit - 28 Jan 2021 - 15:13

In Queensland, Australia, Dunlop Pro is the double yellow dot and well respected for its performance and durability.  However, having said that, which coloured dot is used is dependant on the grade/ability of the players.  Where the weather is colder, eg Tasmania, it is likely a single yellow dot would be used.  My suggestion is to use what ever ball gives the best control, bounce, rallies and enjoyment.   If the ball is too bouncy it can make for dangerous play, especially when the ball rebounds off the side walls into the mid-court area.  On the other hand if the ball cannot be warmed up to get a decent bounce it will wreck the game by limiting the rallies.. 

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