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Psychological Tips

Mental toughness has often been misinterpreted.  It is not about going to the gym and lifting weights.  It is about our mental strength.  We have often heard things like:

  • "don't be a wimp"
  • "stand up and fight"
  • "go blow for blow"
  • "toughen up"
  • "when the going gets tough the tough get going"
  • "believe in yourself"
  • "give it your best shot" and much more.

These might sound like "motherhood" statements, yet behind each of these quotes is a whole mental approach to a difficult task.

The mind is such a powerful tool, in fact so powerful it influences the outcome of some many areas of our being.

I love exploring the challenges that competing players face, the depth within these players mental resources, to produce phenomenal results.

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Recognition of mental battle

Many times we watch games being played, or have been on court and cannot phathom what is going on.

We know our mind is in a termoil, our thoughts are scrambled, our game is losing its edge, mistakes creep in, anger surfaces, doubt enters our mind, confidence in our ability is tested, apprehension, panic, tiredness, want to give in, wish the opponent would go away, look to blame whatever and whoever is within our space.

This is when you are actually fighting with yourself.

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Turn things around

The sooner we realise how we are contributing to this battle, the sooner it can be arrested before it is too late, and the match is over.

Each second we fight with ourselves the more points will be conceded to the opponent.

Take comfort with the fact that there are two people on court, and this feeling is not a one-sided affair.

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