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Hang onto your head

How can you lose your head?  Easily.  How?  When ?Why?

  • When you get on a roll, and get excited and anxious to finish it off.
  • When the muscles tighten up, and the winners miss and/or the serves go out.
  • When the opponent fights back, and gets impossible shots back into play.
  • Want to win so badly and quickly, try to hit too hard and lose rhythm.
  • Referee decisions get "under your skin".

Continually regroup. How?

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Continually revise your approach. How? When things get tough try:

  • reducing your heart rate - the heart is sure to be pumping fast due to the continuous movement, long rallies, nerves and anxiousness.
  • breath control - slow long breath before serving will help get more oxygen to the brain to help clear thinking.
  • keep the eyes and mind within the court; the process - things outside the court cannot help, but distract.
  • take your time in between points, regroup, and pause/think before serving.
  • put a deaf ear to remarks by the opponent or audience.
  • have a simple plan, eg get to the T

When beating a better player for whatever reason (opponent back from injury, opponent at the bottom end of a high career), never take anything for granted, never assume the match is over till the handshake.

No matter what, keep your head, show nothing, and keep coming back. Strive to become constant.

The worst thing for your performance, can be to have a "brain explosion" which can give the opponent even more confidence; making a silent statement " I am rattled".

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Keep your head

When beating a better player for whatever reason (opponent back from injury, opponent at the bottom end of a high career), never take anything for granted, never assume the match is over till the handshake.

No matter what, keep your head, show nothing, and keep coming back. Strive to become constant.

The worst thing for your performance, can be to have a "brain explosion" which can give the opponent even more confidence; making a silent statement " I am rattled".

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