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Squash Player Safety Guidelines

  • These guidelines are meant to provide some guidance for Squash players and prospective Squash players.
  • They are not a substitute for proper medical advice.
  • All players should satisfy themselves that they are capable of playing Squash without the risk of injury or illness.
  • cannot accept any responsibility for any adverse consequences of participation in Squash
  • We strongly recommend the use of protective eyewear whilst playing Squash
  • We strongly recommend that you read and follow this section (including tabs above) and Squash Protocol  for the on-court code of behaviour.
Read what the Medical Advisor says about injuries in racket sports.

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About Player Safety

Use Eye protection for Squash
  • Squash can be a high intensity sport and, as such deserves to be approached with some caution especially if you belong to one of the high risk categories.
  •  As with any physical activity there is always a danger of injury but if these guidelines are followed, it will reduce (but not eliminate) the dangers of participation.

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General Guidelines

Stretch for Squash Safety
  • A sufficient warm up should take place before playing, including stretching
  •  If you have never played or it is some time since your last game, be sure that you don't over exert.
  • Squash can be a quick game, be aware of how hard you are pushing yourself.
  • Err on the side of caution.
  •  If you have not participated in an intense sport for some time be aware of trying to do what you used to do.
  • Because of the nature of Squash, a very quick rally is sometimes not felt for up to 10 to 20 seconds.
  •  If oxygen debt is created, the heart may have to start pumping very quickly to replace the oxygen stores in the muscles.
  • Be wary this can happen easily especially if you have put on a few kilos since your last game!
  • Ease into the sport carefully.
  • Extend your playing time or intensity levels over a few weeks and visits
  • If you are over 40 years and still in good shape, you should still see a sports oriented medical practitioner before playing.
  • Continue to have check ups every few years whilst playing
  •  Ensure that you are fully hydrated before during and after playing.
  • A few glasses of water in the hour leading up to the game will ensure you start hydrated.
  •  More water during and after especially in hot and/or humid conditions. (Clear urine is usually a sign of full hydration).
  • Sports drinks can be used in place of water but not "pick me up" drinks like "Red Bull", "V" etc.
  •  Cold water is usually metabolised quicker than warm water.
  • Alcoholic drinks such as beer etc., will tend to dehydrate.
  • Do not play if you have an injury or illness that will be affected by your playing.
  • Any injuries occurring during a game should be treated as soon as possible after the occurrence.
  •  Advice/treatment should be sought from a suitably qualified practitioner as soon as practicable after.
  •  It is strongly recommended that all Squash players wear protective eyewear that at least meets USA ASTM F803 or Australian Standard AS4066:1992.
  • Whilst the risk of eye injury is relatively low, if an injury does occur, it is very often serious.
  • Protective eyewear that meets the aforementioned standards eliminates most of the risk.
  • Do NOT play if you fall into one of the following high risks groups, without first seeing a qualified medical practitioner.

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High Risk Groups

Heart Problems
  • If you have been diagnosed with heart disease, do not play Squash (or any other high intensity sport) without consulting your Medical Practitioner.
  • If you have one of the following risk factors, you should consult your Medical Practitioner. Family history of heart disease occurring at an early age
    • Smoking
    • Diabetes
    • Elevated Blood cholesterol
    • Low HDL
    • Cholesterol
    • High Blood Pressure
    • Overweight (especially former players)
  • Further check ups should occur every couple of years if you continue to play.

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Vision Problems

  • Protective eyewear must be worn by players:
    • who have had recent eye surgery 
    • with Amblyopia (lazy eye)
    • with only one good eye 
    • with a history of pre retinal detachment conditions 
    • who are diabetics with retinopathy.
  • If you are in any doubt as to your eye condition, consult an Ophthalmologist.

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Pregnant Women

  • Pregnant women should not take up squash during their pregnancy.
  • Most can continue to play Squash up to about the 20th week, however they should consult their Medical Practitioner before doing so.
  • Caution should be exercised to avoid overheating and dehydration.
  • Keep the session to 30 minutes or less. Keep the heart rate to 140 bpm or less.
  • Extension during stretching should be reduced significantly because of physiological changes which occur in preparation for the birth.
  • Try to "wind down" during the last 5 minutes of play to cool down.
  • Some light stretching will also help but be sure to under stretch rather than overstretch.
  • Playing Squash or other high intensity physical activity whilst pregnant can be risky.
  • At all times consult your Medical Practitioner.
  • If very fit playing in a more controlled environment (eg, drills); may be possible with the ok of the Medical Practitioner.

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  • Last word for players in High Risk Groups.
  • If you are ever in any doubt as to your ability to withstand the rigours of high intensity sport or physical activity, consult a medical practitioner with experience in sports medicine.

Squashgame Gold: Advanced Text and Video Content

Play safely

Am I playing safely?

Good Bad
I wear safety goggles I am afraid to watch the ball in case I get hit.
As soon as I hit the ball I move out of my opponent's way. My opponent and I are always bumping into each other.
I try to move my body to watch the ball as it travels so I can move into a better position to recover the return stroke. When the ball goes behind me I just hope I don't get hit by the return.
By turning side on to strike the ball I can get out of the way easier. The ball keeps coming back to me and I cannot clear the ball.
My serves force the opponent into the side wall or back corner. My serves end up down the middle of the court.
I felt really fit on court I was huffing and puffing and my asthma spray was at home.

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