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Front wall targets for shots

Published: 05 Sep 2019 - 06:54 by orange86

Updated: 05 Dec 2019 - 17:50

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I'm a complete beginner to squash. i've had a few solo sessions on the court and am struggling to hit the ball straight and keep a volley going. 

sometimes the ball can go a little to the left or right, also when i hit the ball it can sometimes hit the outer frame of the racket.

any suggestions on how to improve?

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From rippa rit - 05 Dec 2019 - 17:41

I put in a search (see top left hand corner) re front wall targets.  Without a target in mind it usually means you are aiming at the whole front wall??  The higher you hit the deeper the ball goes, the slower (closer to the tin) the shorter the ball lands.  Just take a few tips at a time and your game will improve.

If you are a beginner do not be too particular about the quality of the racket, because cost does not guarantee it will not break against the wall!!  Good luck.


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Excellent tip that Rita.

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