Using Badminton shoes for squash??
Published: 15 Jul 2008 - 08:45 by jetlee2
Updated: 26 Nov 2019 - 11:42
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Have anyone tried to use Badminton shoes for squash?? I like to wear Yonex shoes when I play tennis or indoor games.. Yonex make some great shoes very good cushioning, light, great support and comfort.. It's almost the same surface for squash and badminton.. I just wonder have anyone tried this yet?? THANKS

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From rippa rit - 26 Nov 2019 - 11:42 - Updated: 26 Nov 2019 - 11:42
From weiran - 20 Jan 2009 - 20:45 - Updated: 20 Jan 2009 - 20:45
yaehbhi: there aren't many differences between the two Hi-Tec shoes, the website explains the differences fairly well here:
IMO the differences are fairly minor and I'd go for the cheaper shoe!
From yaehbhi - 20 Jan 2009 - 15:08
Hi All,
Is there much difference between squash and badminton models of hi-tec 4:sys?
From the specs they look almost identical, so do you think badminton ones will be OK for squash.
I'm getting a good deal on these so I thought I ask the wise first before committing! :)
From sloejp - 15 Jul 2008 - 22:14 - Updated: 15 Jul 2008 - 22:16
i agree, badminton shoes shouldn't be a problem. they're not radically different from squash shoes. so if you like the shoes, why not wear them on court?
From Adz - 15 Jul 2008 - 17:44
There shouldn't be any real problem in wearing badminton shoes for squash, but a better shoe to try would probably be handball shoes.
Badminton shoes won't have the same support in the heels for turning at speed, and if you look at many squash specifc shoes they do tend to have better build in the heel sections, although I would add that many companies use a similar design in their squash shoes and their badminton shoes.
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Indoor court shoes are made for the indoor surfaces.
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