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Maximus 5

Published: 01 Mar 2009 - 17:23 by lachlanw

Updated: 02 Mar 2009 - 08:15

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Ive just got in to squash and after rolling my ankle in a pair of dunlop volleys i think its time for a proper pair of shoes.

Im an extreme pronator, that in a shoe need lots of arch support.

I currently wear brooks runners as an everyday shoe. I went to them to see if they had a indoor court shoe, they have the Maximus 5.

Is this suitable for squash? Any other suggestions?

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From rippa rit - 02 Mar 2009 - 08:04   -   Updated: 02 Mar 2009 - 08:15

Lachlan - there has been several discussions on shoes - see the Relevant Content Tab in the lefthand column (when logged in). 

I hope this helps.

PS - Aside for all the advice in the posts, and considering your individual needs, the thing that would concern me with a runner is the height of the heel that does not really move freely with the twisting and turning movements, the same as a tennis shoes, as there is more chance of twisting the ankle. (That did happen to me when the Dunlop Volleys were on the way out, and new models were coming on the market)  Inserting an orthodic tends to lift the foot too high in an indoor shoe and you would not want the shoe to come off when playing.  This link shows what looks ideal for wearing to support the "flat foot" and fit inside the indoor court shoe without lifting the whole foot.



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Thanks a lot!!!I will have a lot of rest from now on. Your help is really a huge inspiration. Thanks.

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