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Stabil 7 review

Published: 06 Nov 2009 - 14:50 by rskting

Updated: 30 Dec 2009 - 02:30

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Heavy Shoe, but like the solid feel and cushion. Other shoe you push down hard and can feel the ground (even running shoes), but not these. There's lots of material between you. Heel kinda loose, but after playing it doesn't bother me so much and kind of stopped. Baby toe still rubs agains shoes due to non-prince NFS wide toe box. I'll wear them in practice or when I feel like practicing positioning rather than speed. Feels great when you Plant, Hold shot, and Let loose. Really holds your ground.

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From dpiedra - 30 Dec 2009 - 02:30

I still prefer the Stabil 7 (on my 3rd pair in three years). I tried the adicore this past summer and while they feel good, they are poorly constructed at the toe ... the air flow holes they have lead to tears on the toe which weakens the overall feel. They need to be re-designed to prevent the tearing at the top of the front.

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From mike - 07 Nov 2009 - 00:50

Thanks for that. I'll probably stick with 4:SYS indefinitely, because I have no local access to squash shoes (got to order online), so it makes trying stuff on for size problematic.

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From Adz - 06 Nov 2009 - 23:49

I've used both and currently use the Stabil 7s.

I found the 4:sys to be very flat shoes. Medium weight (not as light as the Gel Sensei's but not as heavy as the Hi-Tec Switchbackz). Good support but you need to go a size smaller than needed. For some reason I just didn't find that the shoes gripped well on a sanded board floor, and I found myself slipping a lot. I still use them to play indoor 5-a-side football on a varnished sports-hall floor and they stick like glue on that surface.

As for the stabil 7's, I didn't find that that heavy personally. About the same as the Asic's Gel Blasts or the Prince MV4's (I have all still at home and picking them up together relveals very little difference), but I would still say that they are heavier than the asics gel sensei's which are probably the lightest shoes I've ever tried.

I have to say that some friends of mine only prefer stabils and go back to them even after trying other shoe types (after all they are quite pricey in the UK!), and other friends of mine love the hi-tec 4:sys. It really does come down to personal preference as both have some good technologies and do a great job. I'm still a bit sceptical on the new S Stabils as they seem to get it wrong every other attempt.....

Stabil 5 - Best shoe in history (maybe!!)

Stabil 6 - Hated them. Felt uncomfy, flappy (like wearing frying pans!) and wore through too quickly.

Stabil 7 - Wonderful shoe. Close to Stabil 5 but a bit heavier and chunkier.

Stabil Adicore - Like a cross between the Stabil 7 and the Stabil 6. Good for the budget but not as nice as the 7s.

Stabil S - Doesn't feel too good in the hand, but I've not yet had a chance to try playing in some so I'm happy to have my mind changed (maybe!!)

Anyhow, over here the Stabil S and the Adicore were released at the same time, so I'm classing them as the same release and saying that Adidas might have got it wrong again (although I'd be very happy to be proved wrong if the price comes down a lot!!!)






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From mike - 06 Nov 2009 - 22:15

Would you say the weight feels similar to Hi-Tec 4:SYS?

If you've used the 4:SYS do you prefer it, or the Stabils?

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Thanks a million, rippa rit! I'm going to the club now, actually

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