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Wide Fitting Shoes

Published: 25 Nov 2007 - 16:52 by nmc8

Updated: 25 Mar 2011 - 10:34

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I have wide size 11 feet and am currently suffering from blisters on both my little toes as my current shoes, Adidas Stabil 6,  although generally solid seem to have started giving me this problem on a regular basis.


Has anybody got any recommendations for a good quality cushioned shoe that fits wide feet.

Many thanks,



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From Webstershoes - 25 Mar 2011 - 10:34

you should try a custom shoes for your own good. Custom shoes has a wide fitting shoes that you can avail..



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From edmpnd1961 - 31 Dec 2007 - 12:57

Hi Guys,

Always remember to buy shoes that are half a size bigger if not yr problems will always persist.

Happy Holidays and Cheers to the New Year.


Edmond Sng

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From jimbob1965 - 29 Dec 2007 - 23:39   -   Updated: 31 Dec 2007 - 01:18

I completely concur with you there Sparty.  I've been wearing mine for over a month now and still would say that they are the best shoes I have ever owned.  As you say, they look good too in the black and flourescent yellow.  Out of interest, how much did you end up paying and from whose store at the English Open?



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From nickhitter - 29 Dec 2007 - 07:23

so I ended up buying some hi-tec 4:sys in the funky yellow/black at the English open. They are the best shoes I have ever worn for squash. absolutely no blisters, shin splints or any other problems I have had over the years. very wide fitting!

good job Hi-tec!


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From nmc8 - 27 Nov 2007 - 03:29

Thanks for the reply guys.

Just a quick question does anyone know the difference between the Prince NFS Tour Attack and the Prince NFS 2 and 3.


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From mlongobard - 27 Nov 2007 - 00:58

sys:4s are selling for US$84.95 from U.S.-based  web stores (, That makes them cheaper than Stabils.

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From hamburglar - 26 Nov 2007 - 11:15

I like Prince NFS. i wear an 7.5EEEE and 8's fit me fine

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From jimbob1965 - 26 Nov 2007 - 06:41

Sparty, ISport will contact you after you have subscribed for your size.  The shoes then arrive a few days later.

If you are in need of a new pair of shoes (as I was due to my ill-fitting pair of Asics), plus were planning on visiting the British Open in Liverpool in May, then this is a fantastic deal in my book.

See you at the British Open!



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From nickhitter - 26 Nov 2007 - 04:11   -   Updated: 26 Nov 2007 - 05:25

Jimbob, when you sign up for the vip membership, where do you tell them what size you want for the free shoes? I only want to join for the free tickets and shoes!


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From biglupu - 25 Nov 2007 - 21:22   -   Updated: 25 Nov 2007 - 21:24

Hi nmc8,

I have exactly the same problem! The strange thing is that I used to have Stabil 5 shoes which were ok for me. The Stabil 6 I have now are the same size as Stabil 5 were but for some reason little toes are suffering after 20 minutes of play especially on my stronger foot. I think this is something that is really hard to figure out without actually using the shoes in a game..

Jimbob, thanks for the tip on Hi-Tec 4:SYS - possibly the right ones for me too. Impressive marketing by the way:


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From jimbob1965 - 25 Nov 2007 - 20:57

Hi nmc8

I have exactly the same problem as I am tall and size 12.  I have always got on well with Hi-Tec shoes - seem to be very wide fitting.  After a disasterous but brief flirtation with a pair of Asics (same problem as you - gave me corns and blisters), I have just recently acquired a pair of the latest Hi-Tec SYS:4 (as used by lots of the top PSA pros like Palmer, Willstrop and Shabana) and can honestly say they are the best, most comfortable shoes I have ever played in.

I understand they are a bit pricey as they are the latest model Hi-Tec, but as I mentioned in an earlier post, if you are UK based, you can get them for 'free' with Isport's VIP membership, with other benefits chucked in such as a pair of tickets to the British Open Final.  I know that means they are not strictly free, but if you want to see the BO and are in need of some new shoes, it seems a good deal!

Not sure if the deal is still active, but see  Worth a look at least.

If not and the price of the SYS:4 is off putting, try some of the other Hi-Tecs.




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.I was playing squash about four times a MONTH.Now I´am on the court about four times a WEEK.I´am playing league at my squashclub.I can feel (and my opponents too

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