Waiting for opponent to get ready
Published: 25 Feb 2019 - 05:59 by Richard101
Updated: 01 Aug 2019 - 14:38
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Hi everybody!
First of all, I am new here and I wanted to say that this website seems to have a great community!
I got a question about if a strategy I used last week against a friend is allowed. My strategy was as following: every time I scored my second point in a row, I ran as fast a possible to the correct box and there I served as quick as possible. My friend thought that this strategy was not allowed because he thought I had to wait for him to get ready. I asked some other guys I know, and they all told me that I indeed must wait for my opponent to get ready. Those games we play are just for fun, so I don’t really mind waiting for him get ready, but I was wondering what the official rules say about this. Studying the rules, I found the following:
1. Squash is a continuous game.
2. The receiver can stand everywhere they want as long as they don’t hinder anyone.
So, I think this strategy is allowed but I was wondering what you guys think about this.

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From rippa rit - 01 Aug 2019 - 14:38
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It seems you were looking in the wrong place to find an answer. "wasting time" is more about this situation i guess. If you serve before your opponent is ready, he can just catch the ball and pass it back to you for another serve and say "sorry not ready". If you had an official referee during a competition the ref probably would ask you to slow down and wait for your opponent to be in the "ready" position. The stragegy is simple? If a person is rushing you just grab the ball and carry it back to the box, and then throw the ball to the server. If the opponent is not making an attempt to be ready by walking around in circles getting their breath, for example, the referee can warm using the terms of "wasting time". I hopee this helps.
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