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Squash Playing Partner Directory

join theplaying partner is the world wide hub for all things Squash. As more and more Squash players visit the site finding a suitable playing partner anywhere in the world is getting easier.

  • All members are eligible for this FREE service.
  • Fill out your profile at any time once logged in.
  • Your email address does NOT appear on the website.

NB. Players who receive an initial contact, decide whether to take up a playing offer.

We now have over 100 playing partners, but with over 10000 members eligible,  heaps more of you could register in the directory. So what are you waiting for!!. Register NOW!   It only takes a  minute or so..

If you have already registered and have found a Playing Partner, adjust your handicap rating to help improve accuracy.

To help navigate through the list, it is now searchable by country. 

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