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Members' Forum Archive

The SquashGame Members' Forum provides anyone with an interest in Squash the opportunity to have your say, ask a question, or make a comment about anything related to Squash.

You can now post or reply on any of range of forum sections and members can view and reply to The Guru, Rippa Rit and Raystrach's Squash Blog .

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The Guru Speaks

Returning 1 to 12 of 12 records.


The Guru speaks and every one says "Eh?"!
It's Duck for Dinner
By theguru 06:13 - 22 Mar, 2004
4 RepliesLast reply by theguru
16:10 - Nov 26, 2020
There is Talent in Heart
By theguru 07:14 - 18 Jan, 2005
3 RepliesLast reply by theguru
13:20 - Apr 11, 2005
Antennae Squashed, Reception Hazy.
By theguru 12:23 - 28 Jul, 2006
0 Replies
Deception Can Be Deceiving
By theguru 12:02 - 23 Jul, 2005
1 RepliesLast reply by poetrylark
20:39 - Jan 06, 2006
Squash the Game Not the Vegetable
By theguru 14:29 - 29 May, 2005
0 Replies
Finding Ways to Win
By theguru 00:04 - 01 Jul, 2005
1 RepliesLast reply by msc
00:36 - Jul 01, 2005
I Have Tamed The Wild Dog
By theguru 21:22 - 18 Apr, 2005
1 RepliesLast reply by drop-shot
18:25 - Apr 19, 2005
Alright - I Submit
By theguru 18:02 - 03 May, 2004
1 RepliesLast reply by raystrach
18:44 - May 09, 2004
Even Cripples Get The Short Stuff
By theguru 15:20 - 24 Feb, 2004
2 RepliesLast reply by rippa rit
18:22 - Sep 24, 2009
The Beauty of Chooks.
By theguru 10:14 - 26 Feb, 2005
2 RepliesLast reply by theguru
20:40 - Dec 09, 2008
An Open Face is a Winner
By theguru 18:30 - 23 Nov, 2004
22 RepliesLast reply by raystrach
23:53 - May 07, 2007
Deception is Decieving (Part II)
By theguru 01:21 - 08 Feb, 2006
6 RepliesLast reply by SuperSage666
00:24 - Dec 17, 2006

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