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Match Evaluation

Think about the good and bad points about a match is completed.  It is good to reinforce the good and try to improve the bad points.

Match evaluation is an excellent way to identify your strengths and weaknesses during a match.  It is from this evaluation training goals can be set, and weaknesses improved over time.

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Good and bad points from my preparation

In a competition match it is important to prepare well to give yourself the chance of performing at your best.  The following table will act as a guide:

Good Bad
Ate a light meal at least 2 hours before the match.
Ate steak and chips before the game
Arrive early Was rushing to get to the courts
Check equipment My grip came undone during the game.
Find out something about your opponent's game I forgot to ask my mates about my opponent's style of game.
Prepare a game plan I felt fit and confident
Drank a glass of water before the match Drank a coke
Warm-up/Stretch I was too late to warm up
Visualisation – strokes and targets Was talking and ran out of time
Get your eye in during the hit up. I tried to win the hit up.
Develop a rhythm I felt nervous and was rushing around the court.
Observe your opponent during the hit up
I did not think to lob a  few, and play a boast, to see how good they handles the returns.

As players climb up the ladder of success their match preparation will include considerations about their own game, but also the weaknesses/strengths of the opponent. 
Take your time, and once you gain more confidence in game planning, a natural progression will be to focus on developing specific game plans to suit various opponents.

Link to Match Preparation in the Library.

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It can be difficult to identify what actually went wrong during a competition, and the main conversation seems to focus on the loss.
A positive approach to parts of your game that let you down need to be noted and addressed if improvement is to be made.
Firstly, break the game down into four main areas, eg Technique (the strokes), Physical (fitness, strength and speed), Tactical (the placement of the shots), Mental (concentration and focus on the task). 
Here is the link to the Ten Fundamentals.
Here is an evaluation guide to assist how to identify the four areas:.

Forehand & Backhand
(note the number of errors made; note if you were hitting good length.)
Wrist action
Follow through
Physical Stamina - do I feel out of breath.
Strength - do I feel weak.
Flat footed - not moving to the ball and getting back to the T.
Speed - slow to take off and accelerate.
Mobile - changing direction fluently.
Tactical Hit the ball away from the opponent.
Made the opponent run.
Tried to get to the T.
Mental Concentrating on the game plan.
Hitting the ball away from the opponent.
Drop shotting only when the opponent is under pressure.
Playing the ball to the opponent's weaknesses
Striving to get every ball back into play.
Getting to the T to intercept the ball.
Keeping pressure on the opponent and never giving in.
Evaluate the performance Did you achieve your goals

Overall rating of approach to the play

Poor  1.... 2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10 Excellent

What do I need to practice again?............................................

How should I practice this element?.........................................

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What were My Strengths

  Forehand Backhand
Follow through    
Rate Performance

       Poor                                                                                   Excellent
        1        2        3          4          5          6        7        8          9          10

I need to practice this.................................................................... again.

  • I moved to the T quickly
  • I bounced on my toes or prepared well while waiting for my opponent to strike t he ball.
  • I kept the rally going until the "right shot" came along.
  • I did not waste time talking to my mate in between points.
  • In between games we only stopped for one minute.
  • I did not delay playing to have a spell.
  • I put in my maximum effort.

Rate Fitness

     Poor                                                                                   Excellent
     1        2        3          4          5          6        7        8          9          10

I need to practice this.................................................................... again.

  • I varied my game to keep my opponent guessing
  • I chased every ball
  • I chased every ball
  • I waited for the loose shot to attack
  • I kept my opponent under pressure
  • I hit the ball to the four corners, so my opponent had to run as much as possible.
  • I kept his heart rate high when he tried to take a breather.
  • I hit the ball to good length.

Rate Performance
       Poor                                                                                   Excellent
       1        2        3          4          5          6        7        8          9          10

I need to practice this.................................................................... again.

Behaviour on Court
  • I accepted the Referee decision
  • I kept my mind within the court.
  • I strived to get to every ball without interference.
  • I concentrated on my game plan.
  • When I lost the first game I tried harder.

Rate Performance
Poor                                                                                   Excellent
1        2        3          4          5          6        7        8          9          10

I need to practice this.................................................................... again..

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Matching Evaluation to Your Level

Below are several evaluation guides developed to suit different standards of play.  Chose the evaluation that is appropriate to your level of play.

Match Evaluation for an inexperienced player.
Other ideas can be found in the Squash Library to assist planning.

Good Bad
The drives landed past the "short line" The drives went cross court to my opponent
I watched the ball closely I did not know where the ball was going
I got my racket into position early without rushing the swing I was not able to get into position quick enough and seemed to be rushing
I tried to move to hit the ball by keeping at least a racket length away Every time I went to drive my swing was squashed up
I turned my shoulder to face the front wall target to get better direction Each time I went to hit the ball I was facing the front wall
All my shots went cross court I kept hitting the ball too soon and moved straight at the ball
My serve went over the opponent's head The serve was too low on the front wall

Match Evaluation for a new competition player.
It will not be possible to do everything in one match and it could take several matches before these suggestions become automatic.

Good Bad
The lob serve was nice and high. My serves were too low on the front wall.
Watched the opponent hit the ball and got ready to move I was slow to get to the ball
Made every effort to clear the ball Got "strokes" called against me
Kept at least a racket length from the ball Got too close to the ball and could not swing
Hit the ball away from my opponent hit too many cross courts
Hit good length past the service box towards the corner Drives were too short and I did not aim high enough on the front wall
Faced the side wall to return the serve Kept hitting the return of serve cross court
Hit my returns close to the side wall Kept getting stuck in the back corners
Hit nice high lobs when in trouble Hit cross court shots that went through the middle of the court
The following evaluation will be suitable for an average player:

Good Bad
I played tight until I got a lose shot Waited for the opponent to hit the tin.
Got into position before the opponent hit the ball Was scrambling around trying to return the ball
Moved my opponent from the T Tried to win from the back of the court
When I felt balanced I tried to hit a winning shot I kept over-running the ball and drops went down
My serves put me in a good position in the court My serves bounces into the middle of the court making it difficult to recover to return the ball.

As the standard gets higher the goals need to be more defined.  By this time a player will have become automatic in their preparation and will concentrate on the more specific aspects of a match.

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So, big applause, bravo bravissimo for you, my two teachers :-)

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