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Need for Speed

Published: 17 Mar 2006 - 15:50 by rippa rit

Updated: 08 Jul 2008 - 11:33

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Well the newspapers gave us some good publicity today.  No wonder it is hard to see the squash ball when, as the Courier Mail reports:
  • Australian born squash player John White holds the unofficial ball-sport speed record at 275.2km/h in a room less than 10m long, making squash arguably the fastest ball sport in the world.
  • Andy Roddick's best ever tennis serve 246.2km/h
  • Delivery from Australian cricketer Brett Lee 161.3km/h
  • Golf 270km/h
  • Baseball 161km/h
So does that mean to get TV coverage we have to slow down at least another 100km/h? Ah, I know they should be recording the Masters matches to keep within the right range!!squash game squash extras How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...


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From mike - 08 Jul 2008 - 11:33

Wow, a 275km/h ball would sting like hell if it hit the back of your leg

I guess the last time I was hit there the ball was probably going 60km/h and that left a mark.

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From rippa rit - 19 Mar 2006 - 07:16

This post was worth a comment - so I will have to keep it going for now!
So, do you think "anticipation" would be necessary with a ball travelling at 275km/h?
I think I might be stuck on the T and get it on the rebound

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Rita, Thanks for that info, those are both good demos.

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