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SQL Errors in the site

Published: 02 Aug 2009 - 22:25 by Alder

Updated: 03 Aug 2009 - 22:49

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Hi guys,


Am I the only one having problems with forums?

When I click many links (like this )

I've got error shown (Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/squshgam/public_html/includes/newsgifnctns.php on line 691 )


As a result I don't see posts at all, and can't browse the forum.


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From Alder - 03 Aug 2009 - 22:49

Thanks, Ray.

One more warning is left in some posts, ie - says something about image size ( Warning: getimagesize() [function.getimagesize]: Filename cannot be empty in /home/squshgam/public_html/picfnctns.php on line 529 )

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From raystrach - 03 Aug 2009 - 16:53   -   Updated: 03 Aug 2009 - 16:53

thanks for that!

i had made changes to that a couple of months ago and tested it - it worked perfectly. trouble was, i was logged in and did not pick up the bug that was sitting there. if i was logged out, or for anyone else, it did not work.

all fixed now. please advise of any further problems you come across - it is always appreciated.

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From Demo - 03 Aug 2009 - 10:27   -   Updated: 03 Aug 2009 - 10:27

Hey Adler,

I constantly get the same SQL errors when I click on Member's Forum>Forum Archives then choose a category. I can't really browse the forums properly.



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Rippa, Many thanks for your reply its full of great info

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