Info for Your Squashgame

Analysing a game

If you have difficulty in analysing a game, recognising the opponent's strengths and weaknesses, resort to sticking to the ten fundamentals, often referred to as the basics.

If the basics are not in place, eg good length, tight, corners, it is unlikely that a more complicated game plan will be successful.

The difference, from that point onwards, is the ability to capitalise on weaknesses and strengths within that particular opponent to gain advantage.  

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What to look for

Looking at the areas of strength/weaknesses within an opponent:

  • Skill strengths, eg accuracy of forehand and backhand.
  • Mental strengths, eg concentrates well, cool competitor.
  • Physical strengths, eg fit, speed, strength, movement
  • Tactical, eg places the ball well, can change the pace, dominates the middle of the court.

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