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Restringing with Technifibre 305

Published: 06 May 2006 - 21:31 by paul01323

Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 12:36

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For the last six months I've played with a pair of Oliver Xtron 110 rackets. They were first strung with e-squash Durafibre string at 25lbs but I restrung with Ashaway Powernick 18. After experimenting I found 22lbs for the mains and 20.5lbs for the cross strings suited me best. I like the power of the Ashaway strings but they don't dampen shock as much or give the same amount of feel as my previous strings. I'm thinking of trying Technifibre 305 strings as they are supposed to give plenty of control, still be powerfull, absorb shock and play well up untill they break.

What I'd like advice on is how best to string my rackets with them. Should I use 2 pieces of string like I do with the Ashaway or 1 piece like the manufacture did? What tension do they work best at?

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