O3 Tour, one or two piece stringing?.
Published: 19 May 2007 - 11:12 by Bluehinder
Updated: 25 Sep 2008 - 20:30
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I just had my O3 Tour restrung at a new stringer shop, and the guy strung it in one piece. The factory string is two piece, with defined labled points on the frame for starting knot, cross starts, etc. I was dismayed to find he strung it in one piece. When asked, he said he was going to run out of string, and besides, what does it matter.
What does it matter? It seems to me that if the Prince factory saw fit to design it for two pieces, it must be better in some way, perhaps string breakage. I strung it with Technifiber 225, so I do have that concern. #27.
Is this in my head? Does it matter? I notice BK and Dunlop use one piece.
Stringers, please advise.

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From missing_record1 - 23 May 2007 - 03:02
From hamburglar - 20 May 2007 - 03:43
I can't see 2-pc stringing being significantly better.
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