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Best String for Power

Published: 04 Jun 2008 - 16:17 by Nurofen

Updated: 04 Jun 2008 - 20:21

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What would give me the most power for my Head Microgel 145?

Ashamore Powernick 18

Ashamore Supernick XL Pro

Thanks for any opinion, guidance you can give me.




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From Adz - 04 Jun 2008 - 19:38

Ferris is right about the PN18 giving higher power if strung under the same conditions as the thinner guage has greater elasticity than the thicker guage. But you have to take into considerations that the thinner guage needs to be stung at a different tension to the higher guage to achieve the same effective playing tension. Confusing I know, but ultimately thinner strings stretch more when being strung so their tensions after string "creep" changes.


For power you tend to go with a thin guage flexible string strung at a firm (but not too firm) tension. Of course the downside to the thinner guages is the life expectancy.


Hope this helps





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From ferris69 - 04 Jun 2008 - 18:10

Powernick 18 would be more powerful than the XL Pro. Slightly thinner gauge and having played with both, the red Powernick seems slightly harder while the XL pro has a softer feel to it.

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