The Breaking of Strings
Published: 04 Dec 2006 - 10:26 by Minch0
Updated: 19 Sep 2008 - 17:40
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Gday just come across this site, i have been playing squash since juniors but had a few years off. Now i have come back i have broken two racquets and broken over 15 sets of strings this year from just hitting the ball. R the strings not as strong as they used to be? My father use to play with geoff hunt many years ago he says i hit the ball to hard? what do i do restring the racquets more loose or is their a racquet more suited to my game?
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From Minch0 - 06 Dec 2006 - 10:28
From rippa rit - 04 Dec 2006 - 14:58
I think it would be a good idea to go and read the Member's Forum Archives which has plenty of discussion on strings, rackets, tension, stringing machines, etc. as well as the Gear Reviews under Member Services - see the Menus above.
Then, ask some questions or continue your questions as part of a previous topic.
Thanks. Funny enough we hardly used to break strings, and if it was it was usually in the middle from wear - so is technology better or worse I ask !
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