Evolution Pro strings..anyone used
Published: 24 May 2008 - 20:39 by mike
Updated: 09 Jun 2008 - 14:57
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Broke my Technifibre multifilament strings in the knockup today and was thinking about trying the new Head Evolution Pro strings my club offers.
They are 1.25mm guage "offering a great blend of power, touch and control for outstanding playability and durability." (according to the Head site)
Anyone have any expericnce with these? Awesome or terrible?

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From mike - 09 Jun 2008 - 14:57
From Adz - 25 May 2008 - 03:51
Sorry Mike, never used them myself. Can recommend the Head Intellistring though. If the Ev Pro ones are similar then they could definately be worth a shot (depending on price of course!).
There's someone on ebay at the moment trying to shift a set of Intellistring for about £6 ( £2 del). If you get charged £10 to get them fitted then £18 for the change could be well worth it.
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I dropped my racket off to get strung in these Head Evolutions to try them out.
Instead standard Head synthetic gut were used, as they told me there had been a lot of breakages with the Evolution Pro strings. So I haven't played with the Evolutions, but perhaps not the most durable.
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