POWERNICK 18 Red in Europe
Published: 28 Aug 2007 - 18:50 by msmsql
Updated: 29 Aug 2007 - 14:55
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I've been fruitlessly searching the Web for a good European mail order source for the Ashaway POWERNICK 18 Squash Reel (214AR), which one can find at a cheap $80.00 on eBay.com but from a seller who doesn't ship to Europe.
I understand many other European members use this string and I'd really like to compare it with my usual TF 305, so please let me know where you buy it!

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From Adz - 28 Aug 2007 - 23:48
From Adz - 28 Aug 2007 - 23:42
squashgear.com will ship to anywhere in the world and they have a fair price on reels (about $75 if memory serves). I think it cost me about $30 to get it shipped to the UK, so I'd expect it to be something similar to Italy.
From msmsql - 28 Aug 2007 - 22:41
the pointer you give sells the reel for £114.99 or about $230.00 (!!!!) ... and that's not considering shipping costs. Problem is, one can find European dealers but will soon discover all the prices are similarly bloated beyond reason.
I live in Rome, Italy. In my experience, S&H fees usually mean it's best to get a reel instead of single sets. Thank you for the offer nonetheless.
From nickhitter - 28 Aug 2007 - 21:08 - Updated: 28 Aug 2007 - 21:14
From ferris69 - 28 Aug 2007 - 20:40
I picked mine up while in the USA and will happily sell you a set if you want to try it out?
Let me know what country you live in etc and hopefully we can sort a fair price out.
I have tried it and it's very similar to the 305 TF. If anything i would say not quite as powerful but a nicer feel to it than the TF and you can cut the ball better due to the rougher strings.
I have played for years with the 225 TF but have recently swapped to the X One Bi phase in Red which is very nice although not very durable.
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$79.95 for the powernick 18 reel! Shipping is done off weight of the product, so should be reasonably cheap!
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