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Dunlop Aerogel 4D Max

Published: 23 Jul 2010 - 01:06 by aqtor

Updated: 08 Aug 2011 - 00:39

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 Has anyone experience with the Dunlop Aerogel 4D Max? 

Since Ramy Ashour moved to Dunlop, I would like to test the racket. Unfortunatelly, I didn't find a testracket yet.

Can anyone give me some feedback on that racket?

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From Corkscrew - 08 Aug 2011 - 00:39

Great racquet, my current racquet of choice. Good power, decent control, a bit flexible. Balance is about even despite "head-light" claim. Just get rid of Dunlop's  factory strings, they are garbage.

However, don't be fooled by advertisement. Ramy's racquet has a fan string pattern, more like new biometrics 4D Max. Moreover, weight and balance of Ramy's racquet is customized too, about 158 gms , 33 cm.

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From slowleg - 25 Oct 2010 - 09:56

I like the 4D Max but I already broke 2, start using my 3rd Max this week. 

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