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Mind Games

Published: 22 Jan 2006 - 12:45 by raystrach

Updated: 26 Jan 2006 - 17:07

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Without doubt, the biggest challenge I have faced in my comeback so far has been to gain the confience required to play at my desired level. I have always been a player that depends on high amounts of confidence to achieve my goals.

Not being a Squash "natural'", I have had to work hard to achieve the limited success that I have had so far. Now that I am more physically limited, (slower reaction times, less fitness etc)it has been difficult to generate the confidence needed to make the correct decisions quickly. At present, I tend to go for the wrong shot at the wrong time and I am not anywhre near as patient as I need to be.

I have reached the stage where I am capable of playing really well at times, but fail to capitalise on it with a consistent performance.

Being a light physical day, I have been using the affirmations to make some progress. At the moment I am not sure whether I should be concentrating on a wholistic or segmental approach to my Squash. Looking back over the last few months where I have had some good performances and some bad ones, it is where I am playing very quick opponents that I am struggling.

So this is my approach for the next week or two (apart from my physical training):
  • Continue with affirmations concentrating on watching the ball and improved strategy and patience
  • In practice games, concentrate on my old strategy of hitting deep then attacking when a loose one arrives
  • In my competition games focus on my between rally actions(cue words, ordered thoughts and actions)

I will report on its efficacy in days to come.

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Got some unexpected strength work when the dog decided it wanted to attack another walking dog!

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be sure that now and then i may contact you and Ray as you are my digital mental gurus of squash

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