Carl Made Me Do It!
Published: 07 Dec 2006 - 23:28 by raystrach
Updated: 20 Nov 2020 - 00:29
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In the last blog I asked if things were speeding up. Well evidently they are. I thought it was just the other day that I posted my last blog but now i realise that it was three weeks ago! Not good enough Raystrach!
Since that blog, my Squash has been up and down, last week being my worst. I thought this week was going to top that (or is that bottom it) on the woeful scale as I went down 2 games to nil, but somehow, in an effort not to be a complete embarrassment to myself, I managed to sneak home in 5.
Steve, my opponent was totally dominant and could not miss. I decided on a simple strategy of watching him hitting the ball, then running after it and hitting it myself.
Nothing more nothing less.
Out of that strategy came a lot more intensity and energy, plus more pressure on steve. He got a little uncomfortable with the increase in pace of the game, and felt the pressure of my chasing game a little and started to miss. I won games 3 and 4 by the skin of my teeth (match ball against after a set 1 call in the fourth) but ended up winning the fifth reasonably comfortably.
It came as a complete shock that tonite I was able to compete to some degree, with a Pro League number 1 player. Although he was on top for most of the match I put some pressure on him at times. Later, it was the very same Carl, of the title, who said "you played pretty high risk Squash tonite!"
As I said to you then Carl, and now to everyone else, he was 30 years younger, 20 times faster and 10 times fitter. I don't think I was going to out-rally him!
The main point to come out of this hotch potch of a blog, is that as soon as you concentrate or focus on the important things in the game, and apply a little energy to them, It is possible to play your best. You just need to trust yourself to do the right thing.
The hard part is doing all the hard work so that what comes automatically out of that trust is a high level of skill and the right strategy. I don't know about you, but I have a fair way to go!

Please Note: The most recent replies are now at the top!
From raystrach - 18 Feb 2012 - 17:18 - Updated: 18 Feb 2012 - 17:21
From TRAK74 - 03 Aug 2011 - 13:03
u play at holland park by chance ray?
From sewentela - 01 Mar 2007 - 15:29 - Updated: 01 Mar 2007 - 15:30
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hi trak47
looks like i missed your reply. the simple answer to your question is no, although i have played there numerous times over the years.
i did actually play for the club for about half a season when, after being out injured for a few months, i was not in a competition team and was called up as a reserve to play in their premier league side (for the occasional game)
i turns out i played every single week from then on in.
we actually made the grand final that season although we lost - me included.
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