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Dan Jenson shows us how to prepare

Dan Jenson Backhand Preparation

Dan Jenson Backhand Preparation

Published: 23 Jun 2006 - 22:08 by rippa rit

Updated: 25 Jun 2006 - 10:33

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I think this is a shot worth taking a good hard look at.  I see three aspects of this backhand stroke:
  • Early racket preparation
  • Controlled backswing
  • Well balanced
  • Watching the ball
Well, how could you make a mistake looking this good?  Well, maybe -
  • close the racket face on striking the ball
  • aim too low on the front wall
  • hit the return back onto your own body
From this position Dan should be able to hit almost any shot he wants to - yeahsquash game squash extras How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...


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Excuse my sentimental mood,but that´s the way I feel it. Your work makes a sense.

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