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Best Online Dealers for Squash.

Published: 22 Aug 2006 - 13:02 by Daren

Updated: 22 Sep 2007 - 19:52

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Anyone have any recommended sites to buy from online for squash racquets and shoes etc?  There is a lot of them out there but  who has the best prices
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From drop-shot - 22 Sep 2007 - 19:51   -   Updated: 22 Sep 2007 - 19:52


you wrote "Better to support your club pro shop, even if you have to pay a little more."

And I am sorry, but I can't agree with you at all. Majority of the clubs put some (a lot) percentage on the price. I do not want to speak for the others forum members, but it makes me really annoyed when you see rackets for $150  in your club, and the same model in the e-store for $80!!! Let me tell you one more thing.

P.S. I know how do the producers charge the wholesalers, so you'd be shocked with the real price of the racket or shoes...

For guys in Europe I would recommend from Germany. Everything is there, fast reliable service and friendly Derek...

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From aprice1985 - 19 Sep 2007 - 21:16

I have to say i have always found squash/ to be very helpful, if out of stock of item they will suggest alternatives and not charge extra for some upgrades such as getting a more game racquet for the price of a TTT viper i think it was.  Also delivery has always been prompt with me, only a couple of days.

I buy off them regularily including shoes both for squash and rugby and am confident that they will sort out any problems i may have with sizes.

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From nickhitter - 19 Sep 2007 - 08:18   -   Updated: 19 Sep 2007 - 08:25

Can't recommend

waited over 3 weeks for some e-squash powerfibre that never arrived. finally got them to send the order out again. Guess what I got??? e-badminton strings!

so had to get my racket strug with ashaway in the meantime and sent the badminton strings back.

again 3 weeks later I had to call them up to remind them to give me a refund

"oh yeah" the girl said


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From Adz - 17 Sep 2007 - 04:46

Well, to add to the lists above........

Ebay has some good shops on it that all supply good deals at certain ocassions. You just need to look around for the best deals. Other online suppliers include: Squash


Tennis Nuts

Others have already been mentioned! I generally just keep searching around for the best deal possible and buy from there. I don't have a pro-shop to help support, so I can afford to be a penny-pinching buyer! I save everything I can!


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From SamBWFC - 17 Sep 2007 - 04:15

I've always gone for Sport Discount's website. Reliable and usually has the best range of equipment at the best value.

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From Viper - 16 Sep 2007 - 20:06

Better to support your club pro shop, even if you have to pay a little more.

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From dpiedra - 15 Sep 2007 - 13:13 in London, Ontario CANADA

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From Daren - 17 Sep 2006 - 08:31 in Australia. prices are ok. They have green incredible hulk Addidas Stabils     

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From Daren - 24 Aug 2006 - 12:08

cheers stevep . Good little list there for anyone to shop around for the best price. thanks mate


I just noticed on squashdiscount theyre selling 2 Dunlop Hot Melt Pros(the black ones) for 80 pounds, thats a pretty good deal I think.


Also the prince NFS III (black and red) for 20 pounds, best price Ive seen for them.



Maybe we could use this thread to post any particularly good deals we see aswell.

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From stevo - 23 Aug 2006 - 23:39

In the UK there is
Snowy Green
PDH Sports
Just rackets

In the US there is
Squash gear
Pure squash

There are countless others.

Out of those I have ordered from PWP (good service) and pure squash (just ordered a spare Dunlop Ice Elite).
A friend ordered from PDH and called up, negotiated a discount and a free restring (cut out the factory stringing).
Another friend ordered from Snowy Green with no probs.

Its just a case of comparing prices and exchange rates. Happy shopping.

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From Daren - 23 Aug 2006 - 13:30

nice site slavy, thanks.


anyone else have any others they think is better than sportsdiscount?



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From drop-shot - 22 Aug 2006 - 16:05   -   Updated: 23 Aug 2006 - 08:03 - fast, reliable, responsible (replaced the shoes out of stock with more expensive ones without charging for that)

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