ball placement
Published: 06 Sep 2006 - 10:48 by sjlee
Updated: 06 Sep 2006 - 16:32
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Hi folks. I need help from the experts. I entered the YMCA squash ladder this month and had the first match against an intermediate level player (2 years of experience). Although it's easy to find a comfort in the fact that I have 16 months less of experience than him, I cannot be quite satisfied with my performance today. The problem I had today was that I kept feeding the ball right AT him in the middle of the T when I'm returning his serve. His serve was not hard enough so I had all the time I need to hit a good shot. I suspect that my stance is the culprit here. I think I read somewhere in our library that when htting a straight drive, your body has to face the wall and your leading foot has to be at 90 degrees with the wall. Are there any other explanation for this? Thanks for your help.
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From rippa rit - 06 Sep 2006 - 16:32
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