Wilson - Wilson Power Holes in Action
Published: 13 Oct 2006 - 00:08 by missing_record1
Updated: 09 Oct 2008 - 13:55
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I thought this was pretty cool. I don't know if the Power Hole technology improves your shots, but it certainly works as advertised:
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From nickhitter - 16 Oct 2006 - 09:53
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it always amazes me how much the strings move on a racket anyway. I remember seeing some footage filmed on super high framerate camera slowed down of a squash player hitting a forehand. On impact the strings stretched like two inches back from where they are normally at the sweet spot of the racket. Also when the ball hits the wall it squashes to like a half inch thick flat disc and then exploades out again as it fires off the wall. no wonder I'm always bursting balls.....
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