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trigger finger

Published: 23 Oct 2006 - 21:05 by peterdavid

Updated: 02 Nov 2006 - 07:54

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Being fairly new to squash this year i've been playing a lot, and practising a lot and have seemed to developed a problem with one my little finger.  I believe the condition is caused 'trigger finger' ( ) and is due to overuse of your hand (i.e. playing too much squash). I know that resting for a few weeks will help the resolve the problem, but i was wondering if anyone else has suffered from this, and if so, any thoughts on stopping it from happening again?  - like a different size grip or something like that?


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From rippa rit - 02 Nov 2006 - 07:54

This post has two twists so here is the link to "sore finger"

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as Rippa Rit suggested I focused on what to do to get in the match rather than beating myself up over errors.

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