Finger pain
Published: 23 Oct 2006 - 22:15 by peterdavid
Updated: 23 Apr 2013 - 19:10
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Being fairly new to squash this year i've been playing a lot, and practising a lot and have seemed to developed a problem with one my little finger. I believe the condition is caused 'trigger finger' ( ) and is due to overuse of your hand (i.e. playing too much squash). I know that resting for a few weeks will help the resolve the problem, but i was wondering if anyone else has suffered from this, and if so, any thoughts on stopping it from happening again? - like a different size grip or something like that?
(apologies, i think i added this to the wrong forum section first of all)

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From BD - 23 Apr 2013 - 19:10
From aprice1985 - 24 Oct 2006 - 10:00
There is a definite medical condition called trigger finger and i have attached a link to gpnotebook which may help you see if that is what it is or not. True trigger finger is normally something that needs medical help to get rid of so if you think it is go and see a GP. The website is meant for health professionals so i hope you can access it, i don't think it needs subscription and if you are not in the health sector and need any of the language used explained just post a reply. Hope this helps
From peterdavid - 24 Oct 2006 - 07:17
rippa rit and BizarreCo, thanks for your quick replies!
I think you're right about my grip being too tight during games! (and practise) I'm also worried the handle of my racket isn't thick enough as my thumb and forefinger overlap slightly and my middle two fingers touch the palm of my hand (is this too thin a grip?). I may try putting another over grip on my racket?
Just for info purpose, i use to suffer with this problem in my other hand when i played alot of golf (as the golf grip is very much in the fingers as opposed to the palm of the hand which rippa rit suggested i try for squash). Maybe my golf grip has been transferred over to squash
thanks again!!!
From rippa rit - 24 Oct 2006 - 06:40 - Updated: 24 Oct 2006 - 06:41
I cannot give any quick fix other than to give it rest if it persists. My thoughts for the future, once it settles down is:
- Do not hold the racket so tightly all the time but adopt a policy of "hit and grip" which will take some of the tension out of the hand.
- Relax the arm in between points, maybe just swap it into the other hand while foxing the ball, etc.
- Check out your grip and how you are gripping the racket, as you should be holding the racket in the palm of your hand, not gripping it with your "Peter Pointer" finger (that finger is just a stabiliser to holding the racket).
- If your wrist is stable when striking the ball there should not be such a need to hang onto the grip for "grim death"
Let's know how that goes?.
From BizarreCo - 23 Oct 2006 - 23:10
Yikes! I'd never heard of that one before (thanks for posting the article link!). With squash (and life!) relying so much on hand movement, I'd seriously recommend that you take appropriate rest and recovery time just incase you do any further damage. Maybe a few weeks off will be worth it in the long run otherwise it could put an end to your squash for good!
Using some sort of anti-inflamatory drug would help (ibuprofen?), but definitely worth seeking a doctor's opinion as they can prescribe you stronger (and more effective) medication.
I had to do something similar recently when I had muslce spasms between the fingers. Rest was the only thing that could fix it. I took 4 weeks off and I'm glad I did! I've returned at full strength and ready to kcik some butt on court!
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Hi All
Sorry to resurrect an old thread.
First off, i'd like to mention that this is a fantastic squash resource and it is a pity I only stumbled across it now. I am from South Africa and have being playing squash for a few years, initial progress was rapid but progession seemed to have become increasingly difficult.
Until, i watched a video on total squash ( I always had an open face, and the "v's" lined up correctly but the grip was too far into the palm.
After gripping more in the fingers my game started to improve rapidly again, I noticed the following very quickly:
Now with all these improvements, I've noticed that holding more in the fingers causes some pain in the fingers after a game, usually the pinky and ring fingers. I have resized the grip so there is a gap between base of the thumb and fingers, I use the "hit and grip" mantra. Gripping in the fingers allows me to hold the racket looser than i had done previously.
Any suggestions on how to overcome this finger pain?
Thanks, BD
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