getting old
Published: 04 Nov 2006 - 20:26 by instrumal
Updated: 26 Sep 2008 - 07:49
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Hey craig got any drills to keep an old buggar like me agile and quick on the court.Being 48 I am finding it hard to cover the front.
Also where do you aim the ball on the front wall to get a good cross court with length?

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From raystrach - 07 Nov 2006 - 07:38
From drop-shot - 06 Nov 2006 - 18:59 - Updated: 06 Nov 2006 - 19:00
I do not think you are any old.
Regarding your question about covering the front:
- stay in fluent move on the court,
- on your toes,
- final step to the ball is lounge.
Regarding the x-court aiming
- ball should hit the a nick behind the service box.
Keep on squashin'
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slavic correctly indentified a few points, but being a few years older than you, I know it is easier said than done. having a crook back and various injuries, i need to work on the following points which go to the heart of poor front court coverage(these apply to all older players and the young ones as well!)...
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