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Make Bookings Online

Published: 27 Nov 2006 - 18:13 by raystrach

Updated: 26 Sep 2008 - 07:47

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i have been blabbering on recently about things which are about to happen. Well now, things finally are happening. Many of you may be aware that I have developed some sports management software. Unfortunately it has been going nowhere of late, mainly because people want things on line.

Don't say I don't listen.

I have taken the plunge and decided to redevelop the whole thing on line. I am only about a third of the way through, but I have put it up for people to trial. it is called Smart Space.  Find it at

At present, only Australian Squash venue operators can be part of business side of the trial. But all Squashgame readers can register and book some of the pretend sports centers and even my pretend diary. (Just make sure you don't book any REAL squash centres that might be trialling the system.)

If you are an Aussie squash venue operator, click here to register with the Squash Australia venue site. This is the only way to register for the trial. It is very easy to register and you only have to do it once. You will then have to log in to my Smart Space site to do your set up - you could be taking online bookings within about 15 minutes.

There is not much in there for users at the moment excpet that you can book and view you upcoming bookings. However, it will eventually developed into a full featured social network site where you can manage a personal diary and keep in contact with friends and associates.

The business side of it will be finished some time in January 07. The social network site will be finished a couple of months later.

I am interested in any feedback you might have, especially where I have stuffed up! naturally suggestions are welcome.

ps. As a reminder click her for the link to the fully blown software. The online system will do all of what this does, and more.

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