Tactics - Slow Game
Published: 10 Aug 2004 - 18:28 by rippa rit
Updated: 30 Sep 2007 - 07:58
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Slow game Some players naturally play a slow game, which will have plenty of lobs and high serves, with a limited amount of hard drives. A slow game can also be played deliberately to upset the opponent's rhythm, or to get a "second wind".
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From rippa rit - 30 Sep 2007 - 07:58
From sympeltun - 30 Sep 2007 - 04:47
does this method help against power hitters?
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The best tactic to gain control when your opponent is rushing you off your feet, is to slow the game down and keep the shots tight and controlled to the corners, eg lob/toss, drops and generally mix up the game.
Here is the tactics link for more ideas.
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