Head Ti Racket info request
Published: 12 Feb 2007 - 03:00 by RashD
Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 16:14
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I was recently at a sports shop and saw an old range head Ti racket (no technologies or anything just the old range) which was a dark maroon kinda colour. I think it looks like something in the link pic... http://www.snowygreensports.co.uk/cart.php?target=product&product_id=16279&category_id=263
Does anyone know which racket i'm talking about (i.e. model number) and i'm especially trying to find out the frame weight of the racket - would appreciate this info!
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From Daren - 12 Feb 2007 - 21:57
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I think a girl at my club has this racquet, when I see her next i'll ask for the frame weight for ya. could take a coupla days.
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