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Day 3 roundup of the Kuwait Open

Published: 08 Apr 2007 - 08:41 by rippa rit

Updated: 08 Apr 2007 - 20:43

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I like the roundup of squash site and hope others do as well.
I thought Anthony Ricketts was a bit quick coming back from injury.  I guess it is a bit hard to let a tournament with top dollars go by. game squash extras How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...


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From andycoat - 08 Apr 2007 - 20:43

I really enjoyed watching Shabana given a really tough test last night on - Cameron Pilley was commentating and he was really really good. Superb knowledge for such a young chap.

Its a shame that only 2 matches are being covered on the 1st 2 days but then we have everything from tomorrow onwards.

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