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CHAT CHAT coming up soon DON'Tforget!!

Published: 24 Apr 2007 - 16:20 by rippa rit

Updated: 25 Apr 2007 - 12:24

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So every member should have received their email about our first CHAT extract below:

"We will be having our first organised one hour 'chat' session next
Tuesday April 24 at 9.00pm ( site time - check the site
clock).  You can access chat via our toolbar or by using the chat link in
our left hand side menu. The topic will be 'The racket grip and how it
affects swing technique'. Keep an eye out for some relevant posts
leading up to the session. ripparit, raystrach and zac alexander will
all be taking part.
Download the toolbar for free here:"

We have so many members now the email system really got a bit clogged up so we apologise if the email did not arrive safely.  Also, we know that all the members will have checked their details and made sure all the email addresses were correct. 
Yes, emails are going to be sent out regularly.
We do know that some members had forgotten their Username and Password and registered again!!

Set the alarm clock to remind you, as this CHAT feature is part of our site's progress.

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Please Note: The most recent replies are now at the top!

From raystrach - 25 Apr 2007 - 12:24

sorry folks, at 9.20 we terminated the chat due to no customers. i would be interested in feedback on the subject


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From rippa rit - 25 Apr 2007 - 08:32

Chat is coming up with only a few hours to go.
Test out your browser and make sure it works, log into the chat, so you will be ready to give this a try. 
I am logged on now to chat while I am surfing about and not another soul around.
Ray has been working to cook up something new so I hope it works well and it will be a surprise too.

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i want to thanks this site becouse give to me a lot of  precious teaching...

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