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If it wasn't for the years and years

Published: 23 Jun 2007 - 08:24 by rippa rit

Updated: 23 Jun 2007 - 08:24

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After getting my brain into the post about the refereeing, it brought back a conversation I had last weekend with Rhonda Thorne (ex World Champion).  So the conversation goes a bit like this - "been playing at all?  how did you go? did you enjoy it?....etc"
So it seems, after 20 years she decided to play in the local comp so I asked "how did it go"?
Reply, "yeah I played OK; then this night I was playing this big lady and having trouble, and my son came down and said "Mum, have you ever heard of two long and one short? If this lady beats you I think you should give the game away", and after that I picked up my game".
Then she went on to say, "in my head I knew just what to do, but my feet would not listen"!!

Next part of the story.  Rhonda phoned up the team to give up her spot in fixtures, as she lost interest.   The good part is her two sons are involved and playing good squash.

What has that got to do with the referee story?  The d-e-l-a-y-e-d  reactions!squash game squash extras How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...


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I could never imagine that fixing the backhand swing would have such a tremendous effect,

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