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Squashsite is back and alive.

Published: 02 Nov 2008 - 18:59 by edmpnd1961

Updated: 12 Nov 2008 - 08:17

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Squash site is up and running again......


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From rippa rit - 12 Nov 2008 - 08:17

The PSA have responded to criticism they feel they have received following the financial problems associated with Squashsite. I just took a big breath when I read their official reply.

This reply re-enforces my concerns that squash is comprised of so many "splinter" groups that there is in fact no governing body at State, National or International level, except by name.  The PSA is the Professional Players Association so how official is that in relation to the governing bodies, or is it another group trying to represent the top players and help get them a decent living.  Does there need to be a Squash Summit, does there need to be an Ombudsman appointed.  So much of what has happened over the years to really good keen workers gets soured, and everyone runs for cover when it is realised squash has taken a backwards step as another initiative gets scrapped.

Then, when things get difficult basically every group says to the other group "mind your own business".  On serious matters, especially initiatives that have been taken on by individuals, and it has proved worthwhile, taken squash to a higher level at club, state, national or international level, whether it be advertising, coaching, promotion, tournament organisation, there needs to be an all encompassing approach.  If some official governing bodies cannot do a good job  for whatever reason, and someone else can, it hardly makes sense for each splinter group to spend a pittance doing a lousy job anyway, when collectively that area could be done more professionally by pooling the resources, allowing others to get on with their job.

Enuf said.  All squash payers want to be bothered with, in the main, is have a well maintained court to play on, know where to go when they need help, and too hang with the politics...yeah!


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From rippa rit - 02 Nov 2008 - 19:33

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