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StreetSquash in Harlem

Published: 28 Dec 2008 - 11:58 by rippa rit

Updated: 29 Dec 2008 - 18:53

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StreetSquash, what a great initiative for Harlem  That concept really rang some bells for me, as years ago many of our local juniors would go to the squash courts while waiting for their parents to finish work.  They would be given a few odd jobs to do, like empty the bins, sweep the floors, etc as a trade in in lieu of court hire.  This concept is not unlike that in Harlem. I must also say that in this period our junior clubs grew, and many very good players were born.

Good idea - let's spread this concept far and wide.

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From rippa rit - 29 Dec 2008 - 18:53

Well I forwarded this email to our State Association representative who replied:

"Q Squash looked at doing this in parks a few years ago and the Public Liability was the killer."

This really gets "up my nose"......I say no more.


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