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Squashing all over the world on 23rd May

Published: 10 Mar 2009 - 17:02 by rippa rit

Updated: 20 Mar 2009 - 08:20

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The 23rd May is being promoted as World Squash Day 2016.  Squash is played in 175 countries and has 20 million participants. The 23rd May is a day that all Owners/Clubs/Associations throughout the world can bring squash to the people. If every player agrees that squash should be in the Olympics, this is an opportunity to show you care, and would like to see the sport rise to a different level. Why not plan a day to bring your friends and family, make a difference. 

There are a lot of good ideas for slogans that could be put out there to bring squash to the fore.  Squash has so many strong points.

  • All weather
  • Sunsafe
  • Burns off calories
  • Is not expensive
  • Vital people play squash
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From rippa rit - 20 Mar 2009 - 08:20

After reading Peter Nicol's discussion about the Olympics, I sit down to read the local paper and, fair dinkum, it has twelve pages of football with huge photos, and captions, eg "boozers are losers" "battle for redemption" and a page covering each of these other sports, eg athletics, swimming, cricket, and three pages of horse racing.   So that is what squash is battling. 

To get publicity it seems it is necessary for a sport/player to make the Judiciary or Court. None of this helps the well-being of our society. Rest assured the stadium will be at full capacity with 50,000 at the next big game.

Therefore, for the 23rd May to make a difference it would seem the only other avenue squash has to gain publicity is to link with a charity.  My first thoughts are to Skin Cancer Research/Melanoma and raise money. I hope I am making sense.

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