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Squash and the media

Published: 15 Sep 2009 - 08:36 by rippa rit

Updated: 15 Sep 2009 - 23:21

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It seems no matter what squash players do, how professional they train, how much they bust their boiler, the media do not care a hoot.  However, if they do something like the footy players do which you would not wish of your PET they get publicity.

So, what is my story?  Rachael Grinham won the British Open and on Channel 7 got a 10 second mention this morning in the News....with the comment "more about that later".  Now this woman was born about 1 hour or so up the highway at Toowoomba...who cares.  Then I go to the Channel 7 Google search and can find every sport listed under the sun in Yahoo, eg horse racing, motor sports, surfing and a tab "more sports" but not a mention of squash.  Soooo no wonder the Olympic squash is in the neva neva.

Yep, we players are the winners, the media the losers.


Found this on the ABC

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From mike - 15 Sep 2009 - 23:21

The coverage is definitely minimal. I think even if you asked most club players to name a current pro many would struggle. David Palmer would probably be a common answer in Australia, but that'd be it I think.

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From pejrak - 15 Sep 2009 - 19:01

After reading how 'transparent' the whole process was for including olympic sports and what it is the media are after, I am all for just playing this game and would look at how it all started well with squash... what was the impetus behind... i think the number of people of playing, the plenty of levels you can be at playing this sport and so on...

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