Sky Open, Egypt - pics and player reports
Published: 20 Sep 2009 - 11:21 by rippa rit
Updated: 24 Sep 2009 - 18:20
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Some great on court shots of the players at the 2009 Sky Open in Cairo. This tournament has attracted 16 of the top 19 ranked PSA players.
For those striving to improve their swing, take a good look at the racket preparation and footwork when moving to strike the ball. They say a picture is better than a thousand words.

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From rippa rit - 24 Sep 2009 - 18:20
From rippa rit - 23 Sep 2009 - 07:16
There have been a couple of upsets in this tournament. Karim Darwish (EGY) to play Gregory Gaultiker (FRA) in the finals. There were some good performances from Alister Walker (ENG) and Cameron Pilley (AU). It would be disappointing for Ramy Ashour and Amr Shabana to get beaten on home soil.
From rippa rit - 21 Sep 2009 - 06:41
What a great picture of the court....looks like playing under the stars.
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Karim Darwish (EGY) wins the final of the Sky Open in five against Gregory Gaultier (FRA).
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