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Hurting after the holidays?

Published: 07 Jan 2010 - 20:41 by rippa rit

Updated: 09 Jan 2010 - 01:15

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I was speaking to a player who had retired from the circuit 15 years ago, and she decided to run a bit of fat off, and it has been hard work.  Then, the old achilles starts playing up, and the calf muscles are sore, and so it goes on.  Squash does not let you get away with much, just when you think those extra meals, and few kilos did not matter.

Anybody go a story to tell now the New Year has begun?

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From Adz - 09 Jan 2010 - 01:15

Well Xmas is truly a fun time of year when it comes to over-eating, over-drinking and under-exercising!!


I did my usual gaining of half a stone in weight and now begins the upward struggle of shifting it all (plus a lot more if I can be bothered!!). I spoke to one of the older guys in my club and he was shocked when I told him I'd love to shift 3 stone (nearly 20 kilos) in weight. "No need for that my boy, when I was playing at my peak I was only 13 1/2 stone". "well" I replied..... "that'll be 3 stone then!!" ha ha!!! I doubt I can be bothered to get down that far, but with 10lbs gone so far since 29th Dec (mostly water I would imagine!!), we can aim for a quick return to my fighting weight!!!!!


Bring it on I say......... 2010 will be a better year..........


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From rippa rit - 08 Jan 2010 - 21:18

wow - that sounds great.  Once we used to have tournaments over long weekends, Easter, etc. and travel miles but in the last decade it gradually slowed down, and the game slowed down too, and the numbers slowed down, and courts disappeared...just amazing.  The game must be alive to get such a great turnout in your area...well done organisers for the time and effort.

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From fatness - 08 Jan 2010 - 00:31

a club about 50 miles from me decided to run a tournament over the xmas break starting on stephens day and lasting 4 days. i thought it was a great idea so i entered, but i thought there might not be a big entry. it turned to be the biggest entry of any comp in years! times were flexible, so even if some people were working over the xmas break, they could play in the evening or night.

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