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Racket for intermediate

Published: 02 Mar 2011 - 05:50 by daveredfern

Updated: 31 May 2011 - 14:23

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 Hello all,

I am looking for a new racket in the range of £50-80.  I have been looking online at a few models:

  • Wilson One20 blx
  • Wilson N 130 Sq
  • Head 140 CT Tour

I am very interested in the first one on the list but I want a head light racket.  Is this one of them? It says it has a 37cm balance but I'm not sure where that sits.

I understand the best way to purchase is by feeling but not many stores stock a wide range of mid-upper squash rackets so before travelling and persuing further.

Another, slightly random question but do all rackets come with a case? Looking in SportsDirect and JJB and many seem to be missing a case.  If some don't, can anyone recommend a bag/case?

I am not biased to a brand so any suggestions or recommendations are welcome.


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From gbatterh - 31 May 2011 - 14:23

Have you taken a look at the Karakal line, specifically the  Karakal TEC Tour Squash Racquet ? The Karakal PRO 4Ti Squash Racquet is comparable to the Wilson One20 blx...

To answer your question regarding the case. All squash racquets from the mid to higher entry come with cases. That being said most people these days just stuff their racquets in their bag.


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