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Dunlop Biomimetic: Playability, Durability?

Published: 06 Jul 2011 - 05:47 by bhatmann

Updated: 03 Aug 2011 - 12:57

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I wanted to know if someone had any experience playing with the new line of Dunlop Biomimetic Squash Racquets. These racquets surely seem impressive on paper (and being used by many of the top players), but I wanted to get some personal user experiences with these racquets. Any inputs/reviews regarding these would help.

Also, I've read that the previous generation Aerogel 4D racquets were not that durable, does the new Biomimetic (HM6 carbon) change that equation?


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From TRAK74 - 03 Aug 2011 - 12:57

 i dno about durability, havent had issues with my previous 120 evolution aerogel or my new evolution biomimetic, and i dont pull back when im about to hit a wall... :D

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From TRAK74 - 03 Aug 2011 - 12:56

Im currently using the 130 evolution, is a sick racket and havent looked back :P Strung at 23 pounds i think, with green ashaway strings, double gripped with karakal over the default one

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