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Govt support for elite squash players

Published: 06 Aug 2011 - 08:30 by rippa rit

Updated: 06 Aug 2011 - 08:30

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Squash Australia Media Release:

“The Federal Government recently invested $200,000 in additional high performance funding to help Squash Australia expand its current programs and develop a new national high performance program,” Senator Arbib said.

 “The additional Government investment means the new look program will offer AIS scholarships to world-class international-standard players, as well as to athletes at the development stage who are yet to achieve world-class status.

 “The program will provide athletes with benefits such as high quality coaching, facility access and sports science and medicine services at the Brisbane base.”

 Senator Arbib said the Gillard Government was a strong supporter of squash at all levels, providing more than $1.2 million in annual funding to support development at both the elite and grassroots level.

 “More than 240,000 people play squash around Australia and we have had great performances on the international stage.  I have no doubt this new funding will help continue that success,” Senator Arbib said.

 Squash Australia CEO Gary O’Donnell said the support the Australian Government had given the sport through the AIS had increased its success on the international sporting stage.

 Squash continues to grow as a world sport and that brings with it a substantial competitive challenge,” Mr O’Donnell said.

 “The new AIS/Squash Australia National High Performance program will provide the resources for our players to rise to that challenge.”

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